Online & Coming soon
Online workshop - How to decorate a vessel with Angelfish
At the start of 2022 I was contacted by the ceramic school and asked if I would like to hold an online workshop showing how I create my sgraffito pieces. I decided to accept and to have the workshop covering how I create my slips, how I then apply these to my pieces and the handmade tools I use. This was a very in-depth workshop and it was great to host the first live one which was attended by over 40 people from many different countries.
The workshop is still available to buy and watch through the ceramic school here

Online Workshops
Coming soon
I am excited to let you know that I will soon have a selection of films available to watch sharing some of my specific techniques I have developed over the many years of specialising in sgraffito, slips, working with leather hard clay and glazing.
As with all artists I work alone and problem solving and coming up with solutions to specific issues has been part of my development and growth. Coming up with small tricks and work arounds can take week’s sometime years to perfect. I do hope you will enjoy watching these films for a small fee.
Prices and dates to be announced.
How I create my clay slips
How to create a handmade clay slip
In this online workshop I will walk you through the whole process I go through to create one of my coloured clay slips. This includes giving away one of my top secret slip recipes and all the tools and equipment I use.
How to throw a thin wall hanging
In this online workshop I will walk you step by step through how I throw my very thin wall hangings with no throwing cracks or warping and no turning required. This includes the exact weight and preparation of the clay and the handmade tools used for throwing. I will also show you how to prepare your piece once leather hard.
How to create a brush on glaze from a dipping glaze
In this online workshop I will share with you a very specific technique I developed allowing me to change a clear dipping glaze into a brush on glaze. Please be aware you will need to do your own testing as all glazes are different.
How to keep a vessel damp for many weeks
In this online workshop I will show you a technique I have developed allowing you to keep a vessel at leather hard for many weeks with no damage to the surface of the clay.

In person sgraffito Workshops
Coming soon
Early next year I hope to start running in person sgraffito workshops. I have been asked many times over recent years if I hold any and I feel now is the time to reach out to any budding artists or ceramicists who would like to know more about the joy of decorating clay with sgraffito and coloured slips.
Beginner’s introduction to sgraffito and slips
You do not need to have any experience with clay, slips or sgraffito to come to this workshop
Decorating a sgraffito wall hanging
It would be preferable if you have had some experience in working with clay, slips or sgraffito but not essential. Why not book my beginners workshop?

All workshops will be approximately 3 hours long and will cost £50 which includes all materials and firing costs.
Workshops will take place in a building next to my studio on Portland Dorset
Maximum amount of people per workshop is 8
The workshops will run from around 1pm until 4pm on a Saturday
Collection of your fired piece will be free in person or a £5 fee will be taken to post your piece to you.
Your piece should be with you approximately a month after your workshop took place and I will contact you when it’s ready for collection or posting.
Please contact me if you’re interested, dates and full details to be announced later in the year.